Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

XCM - PPU 2012 (English version)

This event was initiated by friends from Penajam and Balikpapan; with the intent and purpose:
  • strengthen the friendship among fellow bike riders,
  • promote cycling in the Panajam Pasir Utara;
which is a cycling event for all,  specifically aimed at mountain biking enthusiasts. Participants open to the public, especially the enthusiastic who has been doing regularly mountain biking.

This event was named Amateur Cross Country Marathon because it was designed with reference to the format of cross-country marathon (XCM) of UCI; however this time the event is not intended as an official event.

This MTB event is expected can be organized on a regular basis, anywhere, anytime, and by anyone in the future; in addition to  "Jamboree" that the format refers to the cross-country point to point (XCP).

We should be grateful to friends from Penajam Paser Utara which is coordinated by Om Mohammed Nasir, who has submitted the idea, did a survey route, providing transportation facilities and tents, donate funds and efforts; and mobilize all resources and efforts for the creation and success of this event.

Together we promote mountain biking as a
Sports - Recreation - Friendship


Trails      : 80 km, single lap, three-stage, in two days.
Location : District of Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), East Kalimantan.
Date       : January 22 - 23, 2012
Information (in Bahasa only): Sugianto Untung  (+6282158056093; +6281520423906; +625425664501)

Terms and conditions:
Participants bring MTB bikes, spare tires, pumps, chain oil, a versatile tools, personalized medicine, pillows & blankets, soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, towels and clothes.
To be provided: transportation crossings, ground transportation in the location, food (Indonesian) & water, and tents for overnight on the beach of Tanjung Jumlai, Panajam Pasir Utara.

Participants came from outside the PPU:
- Pay the fee of Rp 150,000 in cash or transfer to Bank BNI Balikpapan, account #: 0200786186, account name: Ary Djatikusuma; and sms of full name and date of transfer to +6281520304556; latest date January 20, 2012 at 11.00 am. The contributions is for transportation Balikpapan - Panajam, overland transport fuel on site, four times of food (nasi bungkus), drinking water for two days, etc.
- Meeting point is in front of  office of Kelurahan Kampung Baru Tengah; at 7:00 on January 22, 2012.

Overnight in tent on the beach of Tanjung Jumlai, PPU


Excellent physical of rider on an excellent bike as well will guarantees comfort from start to finish.


Perform stretching once daily, at least four times a week; to avoid muscle cramps and muscle pain during riding.

Cycling Stretches, Cycling Stretching Routine, Flexibility Program for Cyclists


Practicing regularly fast pedaling  for 20-30 minutes a distance of 10 km; or on a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes.


Check carefully every part of the bike by moving his / play, especially on moving parts. If there is an odd sound, or movement of components that less smooth may be due to loose bolts, worn parts, or there are parts that need to be fixed.

Be aware, that fine sand may be inside of mountain bike parts will accelerate component wear. Fine sand with water often entered into the moving components such as hubs, bottom bracket, brake hydraulic piston, and the idler at the RD. Sand accelerate wear and tear, while the water causes rust.

Follow the manual from the manufacturer of the component when fixing it. The diagram below may help decipher the bike components.

Great performance from home, enjoy comfort cycling, back to family with smile.
Insya Allah

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